Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Let Me Take You There: Alice SpringsTour

It has been interesting to us to listen to all of you back in the USA bragging about how cold it is and how much snow you have, while we sit in Alice Springs with the temperature hovering right around 100 to 110 degrees F. and speculate on how much longer the people in this area will call the dry, sandy creek bed we have here, “The Todd River”!

Now, for some of you sophisticated people who have spent a goodly portion of your life in a major American metropolitan area with a population of about 4000. Alice Springs is a City of about 26,000 people. The roads are paved. Most of the residents live in nice homes or “flats” (rental units). We have a K-Mart. McDonalds, KFC, and Burger King are alive and well. We have several grocery stores that sell the same basic items as you would purchase in America. The people wear normal clothes, AND we have yet to find any poisonous snakes or spiders within our humble abode. Though, we did see one beautiful giant huntsman spider (non-poisonous) outside our front door. Sadly, it left. You could say we live in a civilized community that is a true melting pot of people from many countries and cultures. Some speak 4 or 5 different languages, fluently.


Lisa said...

Thank you for the slideshow! We are so excited to come and just this morning Keely asked me if there are any big spiders in Australia. I told her that there are HUGE spiders and she said, "Yay, I can't wait to see them!" The girl really like spiders and bats for some reason, so be ready with the freaky animals!

Lauren said...

I love seeing the pictures of where you are. Please keep them coming! When does Lisa come to see you?

Lauren said...
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Arah Debra said...

That's so fun to see. I'm so jealous that Lisa get to come there in person. wish we could too.

Anonymous said...

That was great seeing all of those pictures! The song was perfect for the slideshow. The picture of the spider was a great touch. At least Jim has McDee's for his burger and soda fixes. :)

Lisa said...

Keely loved the picture of the spider and is very excited to meet him. I think you'd better invite him back.

Anonymous said...

Well, we are here in Freezing Hawaii and it has gotten down to about 60 degrees. Brrrrrrr!!!!!!! And we all sleep in sweats. Last night, I (Aleesha) had to sleep with 2 (that's two) blankets! I think this is the coldest weather we've had since we moved here! Lasty week there was a cane spider on my back, so I was not sad that it left! I am glad that you guys are doing so great! And glad to hear that Living in Blanding for all of those years helped prepare you for the Big City! Love you both and are so proud of you!! Aloha~Aleesha

Autumn said...

And all of this time I've been picturing you guys treking through the rugged outback...when you're really spending your p days at McDonalds! It looks beautiful! So glad I get to check your blog and see the wonderful things that you're accomplishing!